Monday, May 7, 2007

Big Weekend!

This weekend we went on a retreat with our Sunday School Class. We went to Dotson Lodge in Centerville, TN. When I say "we" I mean me, Josh, and Hailey. The weather was great and the company was even better! It was so refreshing to spend a weekend with our christian friends! Hailey was such a good girl...not that she usually isn't but I was really nervous about taking her out of her element! I didn't know how she would react but she was an angel! I was so proud of her!

Hailey also had a big night last night...She slept from 10pm-6am!!! YEAH!! I consider this sleeping through the night! I am trying not to get too excited but it felt so good to wake up at 6am as opposed to 3am! Let's hope that this is the beginning of a new night time sleeping schedule!!


Abigail and Ansley said...

I just found your blog. Hailey is absolutely gorgeous! I am looking forward to more posts!
Rebecca (Mitchell)

Heather B Mc said...

She was so good! No,no, good does not even serve this sweet girl's behavior justice. It was so good to get to spend some time with you. Looks like the mom role fits you perfect.

Heather B Mc said...

good, good, good, just thought I might need to add a few more.

mandiandjosh said...

now you know she can do it!!!! you may have to push her a little now!
i asked and heard that she did wonderful on the trip. i hope you took some pics to tell her about it later!

Natalie Church said...

10-6...that's great. You are well on your way. It will only get better! I'm glad ya'll had a good retreat. I heard everyone had fun!