Friday, March 30, 2007

The 8 Week Doctors Visit...

Well today was Hailey's 8 week doctors appointment and she did great. She now weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz. and she is 22.5 inches long. So she has definitely grown! Along with getting weighed and measured Hailey had to endure 3 shots. She was so brave! There were some tears shed but that is understandable...I mean she is only 8 weeks old! I hated watching her cry! I was just glad that two nurses were in the room and that I didn't have to hold her while she was getting the shots!

Hailey's 8 week old pictures....

Hailey LOVES her Baby Einstein Mat!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Is it me or does she look a lot like Josh in those pictures?